Monday, December 15, 2008

He's one!!!!!

Jacob turned one on December 5. I can't believe
it. He's growing so quickly.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Haircuts and Halloween

As you can see from this picture, Jacob really needed a haircut. Even putting product in his hair did not do much to tame those "fly aways".

He started off doing pretty good. We thought he wasn't going to mind.

But, he did. As you can see here, he was actually quite mad and cried through most of the hair cut.
Everything turned out fine and once we took him out of the chair, he stopped crying. And his hair looks much better. It's much easier to keep looking good!
We had a lion attack at our house on Friday.
Isn't he ferocius?
Mommy took the little lion to see family and daddy took him trick or treating on our street. We think he looks adorable! To bad he won't remember. We bought his costume like a month before Halloween and it just fit him. Good thing the holiday wasn't a few weeks later.
As you can tell, we love Halloween!
And, Jacob stood up in his pack and play on is own for the first time today and Attila and I were both there to see it. I bet he'll be walking soon!!!!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I'm a few days late in posting this but, Jacob can crawl!!! When I got home from work on Saturday he was playing on floor and when I said hi to him, he cruised toward me!! It's so cute!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First Haircut

Jacob had his first haircut on Sunday. My sister, who cut his hair said that ti was a trim seeing as we only cut hair off in one spot. But I still say it was a haircut. He actually did really well. I thought he was going to cry at first, but he didn't. He just sat there with a concerned look on his face.

He also went to his first high school football game last week Friday. He seemed to enjoy it.

My mom took him on Saturday to the beach and to a pumpkin patch and took pictures of him. They turned out awesome! I'll have to scan them in and then I will post them.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Going Good

Just thought I would post a quick update. Everything is going good over here. Jacob had his nine month check up and he has gained 5 pounds since we have been home. I can't believe how fast he is developing and changing! He has 2 bottom teeth in and 2 top teeth starting to cut through. And he is extremely interested in our food. Whenever he sees a plate, he gets super excited. So we share what we can and he LOVES it!
Attila Is putting out lots of applications. Hopefully he will find something soon. Anyway, I guess that's it for now.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Back to work

Tomorrow is my first day back at work. Those 12 weeks went by so fast. I can't believe it! Before I took my leave, I work the night shift which I loved. But when a day shift position became available, I put in for it not thinking I would get it and I did!. Even thought I like nights and I am not at all a morning person, this will work out a lot better with a baby at home. And, seeing I work 3 12 hour shifts a week and every third weekend, we only need help with babysitting 2 days a week for 2 weeks and 3 days the other. (Attila only works Monday through Friday....lucky bum!) The other good thing id we don't have to use daycare. My parents are going to watch Jacob for us!! That makes me happy. I am going to miss him though. I haven't been away from him longer than enough time for Attila and I to go out to eat. 12 hours will be a big jump!!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

First Word

Jacob said his first word last week!!! It was mama!! I was so excited. And yesterday he started saying dada! Before we know it, he is going to be speaking full sentences. And today he he sat up by himself for the first time. Usually we have to sit him up. He is making great progress! This is so exciting!!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


It's been awhile since I've posted. I thought I better get in a quick update. We are all doing well here. Jacob is adjusting very well. He is eating baby food along with his formula now. Actually, it's kind of hit and miss with it. Some days he eats and eats and other days, he only wants a few bites. Either way, he's getting enough because he is growing like a weed. He is around 20 pounds already! He is sitting up well now and I think he will be crawling soon! He mostly scoots backward and if he really wants to get somewhere, he rolls. But, I have been noticing that he is now getting up onto all fours and rocking back and forth. Soon, he will be getting into everything as he is very curious.....which is a good thing. I am not looking forward to going back to work. My leave is done September 7. It's going to be very hard to leave him. I have not been away from him for more than enough time to go out for dinner. And then he was with grandpa and grandma. I still don't know what we are going to do for day care. I better get on that!

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Things are going really well now that Jacob is over his pneumonia. He is such a happy, content baby. We are working on eating cereal and sweet potatoes. He doesn't seem to really like the idea of eating off a spoon. The first time we tried, he would open his mouth for the spoon. Now he closes it. Oh well, eventually he will catch on. He is gaining weight though and he is starting to sit up without support. Plus, last night, he went to sleep around 10:15 and didn't wake up until 7:30 to eat!! It was his first night sleeping all the way through. And even after that, when he was changed and done with his bottle, he went back to sleep until almost 10:00. I think we are officially on Michigan time. :-)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July

For the 4th, we went over to my sisters house and cooked out. We had a great time!!! Jacob enjoyed himself also on his first holiday home with his family.

Friday, July 4, 2008


We have been home for a few days now and everything is going well. Jacob has has pneumonia but he seems to be feeling better now. His breathing is definately much better. It is so nice to be home. The trip was great and we learned a lot. I'm really glad we had the opportunity to go, but there truly is no place like home. Small things like being able to rinse your tooth brush in the sink and watching baseball.
Anyway, No matter what, the trip was totally worth it. We came home with our son. He is awesome! I still can't believe that he is finally home. It just seems to good to be true. And now, we have all the time in the world to shower him with love!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June 24, 2008

Here we are on gotcha day!!! I can't believe that we finally together. Our little guy is so happy. Even with bronchitis and an ear infection he smiles and laughs!. I can't wait until we are home.

Monday, June 23, 2008


I am counting down now. Less than 24 hours until we pick up our son! We will go to the orphanage at 3 p.m. local time. We just got back from the Alaba/Awassa trip not to long ago. Man, am I ready for a shower. We had a great time! We got to see a coffee farm, monkeys, lemures and hippos!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Our First Family Picture

Here is our first picture with our son. I wish we could have spent more time with him. It was amazing to see his face in person and hold him in our arms. We will be going to pick him up on Tuesday. We will not be back in time to do it on Monday.

We're Here!

I can't believe that we are actually here. We will get to meet our son this afternoon but we won't be picking him up for good until Moday or Tuesday. Hopefully it will be Monday. Anyway, we are just glad that we get to see him before then!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's here!!

I can't believe that we will begin our travel today to finally meet our son! We will be leaving the house very soon. It still seems unreal. I hope that I packed everything we need. Our suitcases are stuffed. I couldn't pack more if I wanted. I guess I better get off here and get going!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Shower 2.0

I had my second shower. This one was my moms family and friends. It was a great time!!!! We received a lot of nice things that we will get tons of use out of. After the shower, my sister and I went out for a little. It was a fun night!!!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I can't believe I am actually washing baby clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Sunday, June 8, 2008


I am so nervous about traveling. I'm not sure why, but I am. I know that once we are home with our precious son, I will wonder what I was nervous about. I think it's probably just the amount of time we are going to be on a plane, which, everyone else has survived. I'm also really afraid that I won't like the food! Then what??? Oh well, it will all be fine. I'll just eat lots of crackers or something. I just needed a small vent.......

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Oh what fun!!! We just got back from the health department after getting our travel vaccinations. We each had 7. 4 in one arm and 3 in the other. I guess we could have had less, because they are not all required but, we thought better to be safe than sorry. I am not looking forward to the sore arms! Oh well.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Well, I had my first shower today!! My mom and sister put it on and My aunts and cousins from my dads family were there as well as a friend of my moms and a friend of my sisters. We havd beautiful weather for it to seeing it was outside!! We received a lot of nice things. Clothes, toys, diapers, a stroller. At this rated, we won't have to buy clothes for the next 6 months!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Well, I dropped off the money for our plane tickets today. 3weeks from tomorrow we leave!!! I can't believe it. It seemed like this would never happen.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Man, I don't think the paperwork will ever end!!!! I just got all of our tax returns and w-2's together. Thank goodness I could download them again. I still have 1 w-2 to find. Hopefully a little over 3 weeks will be enough time to track it down. I guess if nothing else, we have learned that we need to be more organized with our important documents!

Embassy Date

It looks like June 26th will be our embassy date! I can't wait to get to Ethiopia!!!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

We have a son!!!

Ok. So, this is my first blog entry. We passed court on Wednesday, May 21, 2008!!!!! I can't wait to go and pick up our son!!!! Now we wait for our travel date.... And here is our son, Jacob.